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05th Jan 2011

Power Balance bracelets could be ‘no better than a rubber band’

They've adorned the wrists of celebrities and sportsmen the world over, yet Power Balance 'Energy Bracelets' have been slammed by an Australian consumer watchdog.


They’ve adorned the wrists of celebrities and sportsmen the world over, yet Power Balance ‘Energy Bracelets’ have been slammed by an Australian consumer watchdog.

Following an investigation by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, it was found that the California-based company could not justify claims that the silicone bands improved balance, strength and flexibility.

After meeting the commission, Power Balance is to offer Australian purchasers of the bands full refunds, stating: “We admit that there is no credible scientific evidence that supports our claims.”

The group must also remove the words ‘performance technology’ from its Australian bands. Earlier today, however, Power Balance UK took steps to address the ensuing firestorm over the brand, stating ‘Power Balance does not, and has never, made any scientific or medical claims about its products.’ Sunderland striker Darren Bent, who has endorsed the bracelet on his Twitter page, today tweeted ‘I still 100% stand by it’.

We at JOE got your wrists on a Power Balance bracelet a few months ago and here’s what we thought.
