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14th Oct 2012

Now “that’s” a scary Halloween Pumpkin!

Okay Halloween pumpkins can generally be quite poorly constructed annual ornaments but this one is pretty class.


Okay Halloween pumpkins can generally be quite poorly constructed annual ornaments but this one is pretty class.

Each year we usually slash away at the Halloween pumpkin worse than arthritic Freddy Krueger getting the jitters from heroin withdrawals at an American teen.

The only thing horrific about our pumpkin is just how incompetent we are and doing any sort of craft.

This cannibalistic Pumpkin has really impressed us and got us psyched up for Halloween though.

This effort spotted by Kerry man Tony Heffernan, CEO of Bee For Battens who do some great work for kids who suffer from rare diseases, you shoud get over to their site and check them out, they’re having  a competition for kids on their Facebook page looking for the best Halloween pumpkin.
