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06th Jun 2024

Family of woman killed in Limerick dog attack reportedly found out after seeing footage

Simon Kelly

Limerick dog attack family footage

Gardaí ask the public not to share footage circulating on social media.

The family of Nicole Morey who was killed in a dog attack in Limerick on Tuesday night, reportedly found out about the incident after seeing CCTV footage.

The 23-year-old was tragically killed following an attack by a dog, believed to be an XL Bully, which happened in the garden of her home in Ballyneety shortly before midnight.

The woman sustained serious injuries from the attack and was pronounced dead at the scene.

According to an Irish Independent source, the family of Ms Morey were sent a CCTV clip of the attack before any previous knowledge of the incident.

Dog attack victim Limerick

Family of woman killed in Limerick dog attack reportedly found out after seeing footage

The dog involved in the attack is believed to have been shot dead by officers and three other dogs in the house were seized by authorities.

A clip of the attack was reported to be circulating on social media and Gardaí have appealed the public to not share it.

It is understood a man known to Ms Morey had access to the CCTV footage and called emergency services upon seeing it, before then sending it to her family.

Tributes poured in following the news of Ms Morey’s death, with her sister Jolene writing on Facebook, “I’m so heartbroken. On the day of your birthday. I love you Nicole Morey.”

She continued: “My heart is shattered once again. On your birthday I only hung up on you two seconds before I really tried my best to help.

“I’m so sorry. Nicole I love you so much. It feels like a bit bad dream.”

Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys said she is “absolutely appalled by the news” of the incident in Limerick.

Heather Humphries
Minister Heather Humphries (Rolling News)

“I want to begin by expressing my deepest sympathies to her family in what is a deeply shocking incident,” she said.

“I have consistently said that more action is required in relation to dog control.

“That’s why I have set up a cross Governmental stakeholder group, chaired by the retired Deputy Garda Commissioner John Twomey, to examine this whole area. That Group’s work is underway.

“I have asked the Group to examine the restricted breeds list, in line with actions being taken in the UK and Northern Ireland.

“I am committed to working with colleagues across Government in taking whatever action is necessary to strengthen our dog control laws.”

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