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24th Jan 2019

British MP suffers colossal brain fart while discussing the border and a united Ireland

Paul Moore

United Ireland

Eh, what?!

Sadly, with the date of 29 March looming large, we’re fairly accustomed to the Brexit debate prompting a few gaffes, clangers, and perplexing policies on the issue of Anglo-Irish relations.

Priti Patel wanted the British government to threaten Ireland with food shortages as leverage against the backstop, former Brexit Secretary David Davis felt that you can use sterling to buy anything in the Republic of Ireland, and he also previously said: “One of our really challenging issues . . . will be the internal border we have with southern Ireland.”

Erm, internal?

All this without even mentioning Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg and while Theresa May’s government are still unsure of which direction they’re going to take, there’s one thing that’s certain, some politicans still don’t have a breeze about Irish affairs.

With regards to the latest blunder, Daniel Kawczynski MP was recently a guest on Sky News to discuss the border and the prospect of Irish unification.

“We’re not prepared to compromise over an indefinite backstop for Northern Ireland which could, long-term, precipitate a border poll and the reunification of Ulster with the Republic, against the wishes of the people of Northern Ireland,” he said.

Ok, a few things.

Does he have any clue what a border poll actually is?

Secondly, Ulster is not a political entity and it also includes the counties of Cavan, Donegal and Monaghan which, you guessed it, are in the Republic of Ireland.

Finally, under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement, Irish reunification can only occur with the wishes of those living in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

As for the topic of a border poll, Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has previously said that a “crash” no-deal Brexit would move the timeline for a border poll on a united Ireland forward.

Leo Varadkar responded to these remarks by saying a border poll would be “disruptive and destructive” to getting a Brexit deal ratified.

Before her Brexit deal was rejected by the House of Commons, Theresa May stated her belief that a no-deal Brexit could lead to a united Ireland.

May said: “To those who think we should reject this deal in favour of no deal, because we cannot get every assurance we want, I ask what would a no-deal Brexit do to strengthen the hand of those campaigning for Scottish independence – or indeed those demanding a border poll in Northern Ireland? Surely this is the real threat to our union.”

Here are Kawczynski’s comments.

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