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05th Jul 2015

Pic: Game of Thrones actor was at Wimbledon and it definitely provides some clues

Genuinely, we know nothing.

Paul Moore

Genuinely, we know nothing.

Trying to decipher all the clues, treachery and lies that surround Game of Thrones is about as useful as giving a thesaurus to Hodor.

Spoiler alert is coming.

Melisandre Spoiler

Just ask Ned Stark, those nice guests at the Red Wedding or Oberyn Martell if they knew what the future held.

Can we now add the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch to this list of the ungrateful dead or does Jon Snow live?

Some might argue that he’s six-feet under a layer of snow right now while others think he might be grateful for the help of a certain Red Priestess.

Game of Thrones, Series 5,Episode 10,Mother's Mercy,Sky Atlantic, Harington, Kit as Jon Snow

Regardless of what happens, HBO are quite particular about actors maintaining a similar look and appearance throughout the show, basically those lovely long locks of Kit Harrington’s have to stay intact throughout filming , but the actors recent appearance at Wimbledon has fuelled rumours, especially with Game of Thrones set to begin filming its new season shortly.

Who knows, maybe he just really loves that style and refuses to cut it.

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